Let's Prep!

So, you've made it to the interview phase of your job search - that's a definite WIN! Let's focus on keeping that same momentum as you work through the process of hopefully landing the job. A great start is with interview preparation!

Job Interview Preparation

PREPAREDNESS is impressive! 

Now that you've reached the interview phase, there are several interview techniques and best practices that we can implement to help you stand out and stay top-of-mind when it comes to 'wow-ing' the Hiring Managers. In addition to the skills, education, experience, etc. that you already bring to the table, we'd like to cover a few more bases to assist you with being as polished and presentable as possible. 

We know that landing a job extends beyond your resume (though that's an important first-step). We also know what our clients are looking for from each of the candidates that we present for the roles they wish to fill. Armed with this knowledge, we go a step further by helping to prepare you for possible interview interactions and scenarios. 


  • We help you practice, prepare for, and succeed in your interviews.
  • We discuss the interview format that the Hiring Manager(s) will use, be it face-to-face, on video, or over the phone. 
  • We give you access to possible interview questions regarding the role while boosting your confidence and readiness to take on the job.
  • We discuss the company's DE&I initiatives and their company culture.
  • We help you identify your unique selling point(s) so that you're able to confidently tell your story and paint a clear picture of how your previous role(s) relate to the job you're now seeking.
  • We also touch on other interview skills and how well you use them - such as: active listening, soft skills, non-verbal communication, showing empathy, and use of proper body language.

We try to present our candidates in the best light possible. That's part of our service commitment in helping to ensure that you shine!